How can I manage my Race account?

Use the member portal to view your account information, make minor changes to your account or make your monthly payments. Getting started with your account is easy! Just select “Member Sign In” at the top of the page and a login screen will appear.
Enter the member ID and password provided at the time of install and you will be prompted to create a new password before gaining access to your member portal.
If you didn’t receive your login information at the time of installation or you have misplaced it, don’t worry! We can send you the account information. Simply click “Forgot Password” and enter the e-mail address associated with your account.
We will promptly send you a reset email with your username and temporary password. The system will then ask you to create a new password and take you to your account page.
If you have any trouble with logging in or managing your account, a Race representative is always available to help – just call 877-722-3833 or e-mail us at [email protected]!