
A Message to Our Customers

After Congress sent proposed legislation to President Trump that wipes away the limit of how Internet providers use and sell customer data, Federal officials have now approved that Internet providers can sell your Internet history, app usage, mobile location data, financial information and email content/messages.

 Today, more and more consumers are spending their time on the Web. We shop more online and we share some of our most intimate moments of our personal lives online. With every keystroke, we unknowingly reveal so much of ourselves on the Internet.

In recent years, the private sector has learned that such information is a great commodity for marketing agencies. This gives companies a strong incentive to collect as much behavioral data as they can about us via the Web.

With the recent passage of new privacy rules that allows Internet companies to sell your browsing information to potential advertisers, we at Race believe that there has to be a line drawn at some point.

Some things should just be kept private.

As we’ve always stated: Information sent to Race is regarded as private and is kept in the strictest confidence and it will not be sold to third parties for marketing or any other purposes, ever. Rest assured, you can always have the utmost certainty that Race will protect your private information.

We believe with full conviction that your information is private and should be disseminated at your own discretion.

Despite the changes in the Federal law, as a customer of Race, you will find that we are secure, reliable, and discreet. We do not distribute our customers’ email addresses to anyone. You will never receive spam, junk email or any other unsolicited advertising from anyone who was given your email address from us. All personally identifiable customer information is considered private, and we do not sell, share or otherwise distribute our customer profiles to anyone.

We do use our customer profiles internally to help provide better service to our customers which may occasionally involve sending you an email regarding new service offerings or to notify you of changes to our existing offerings—providing you the best service at all times.

If at any time, you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, visit our website at or give us a call at 1-877-722-3833.

-Carlos Alcantar

Chief Technology Officer